Saturday, January 19, 2008

Spanish Messerschmitt

This will be the first of many posts with information from my recent trip to the Kalamazoo Air Museum in Kalamazoo Michigan. Something pretty neat that I figured out on the tour. The plane pictured on the right is a Messerschmitt ME-109, but not just any Messerschmitt. A Spanish one. Germany was allied with Spain during the war and gave technology and tooling for Spain to make their own Messerschmitt planes named the Hispano. This plane along with many others saw action in the Spanish Air Force during World War 2. Really neat stuff.
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Anonymous said...

Beer Bong the designation ME-155 was the Spanish one, the German designation is the ME-109. Just thought I would let you know for your archives.

97th Infantry Division Field Artillery said...

Thanks Mark!

Unknown said...

To all of our veterans past and present, Thank you. My grandfather served in the south Pacific. But he pasted away before I realized how important he and the rest of all the servicemen were and are too this country. I would have loved too hear his stories.