Friday, January 18, 2008

Historic Photos of World War II: Pearl Harbor to Japan

Just caught wind on the news of a new book coming out next month:

With fact-filled photo captions and chapter introductions by author Bob Duncan, Historic Photos of World War II Pearl Harbor to Japan reveals the humanity and the sacrifice of the soldiers who fought in the Second World War, in striking images selected from the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Naval Historical Center, and private collections.

“It has been said that the past is a country into which we may not travel, but photos and images left to us are a key-hole view into that past,” explains Duncan “With the passing of the generations who fought in that war, these photographs are becoming the last, sustaining glimpses of our fathers and grandfathers as young soldiers.”

This 10 x 10 gift book showcases these beautifully reproduced historic photographs in a large, high-quality format and includes well-researched text. Historic Photos of World War II Pearl Harbor to Japan masterfully retells the story of American soldiers, sailors, pilots, and Marines who fought in the Pacific Theater during the Second World War.The publication is the second in a series of books highlighting the key figures and events of World War II. Turner Publishing’s Historic Photos series has been acclaimed as a staple in the collection of anyone who loves history.

Stop by and check in out on Good Stuff.

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