Sunday, April 20, 2008

Warsaw ghetto's 220 young fighters honored

The last surviving leader of the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising paid silent tribute Saturday to the heroes of the doomed revolt by young Jews against Nazi troops that started 65 years ago.

Great story about how the a small group of Jews fought the Nazi's in Poloand in the 1943. You can read the full story here and read about the last survivor.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Updated: Pictures released of German WW2 raider Kormoran

I've found some pictures of the HMAS Sydney and the German ship that sunk her the HSK Kormoran. The group responsible has started a website with some images and information. Take a look. This is great stuff.

Alleged Nazi hit man charged over executions is reporting that an 86-year-old man who acted as a Nazi hit man for a Waffen SS death squad that executed Dutch civilians during World War II has been charged with three counts of murder, a prosecutor said Wednesday.

I find it completely weird that 63 years after the end of World War II that we're still bringing these guys to justice. Check out the full story here.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pictures released of German WW2 raider Kormoran

"The first images of a German merchant raider sunk in a fierce battle with an Australian warship more than 66 years ago were released on Tuesday by international deep-ocean wreck hunters.

The HSK Kormoran was badly damaged in a battle with the Australian light cruiser HMAS Sydney on November 19, 1941, and was scuttled by her crew, while the Australian warship sank with the loss of all 645 crew off the West Australian coast."

As I've been unable to locate and pictures yet we'll keep you posted. This is a great find as i've posted about it earlier.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Charlton Heston 1923 - 2008

Charlton Heston passed away on April 6, 2008. Heston was born on October 24th, 1923 in Illinois. He served for two years as a radio operator/gunner in WW2. After the war, he and his wife Lydia worked as models in New York’s rough Hell’s Kitchen area. It was around this time Charlton began to find work in Theatre, and later on TV and films. By 1959, Heston had won his first Oscar, the coveted ‘best actor’ award for his stunning performance in Ben Hur.

This great man will be missed by all for his many contributions to Hollywood, society, and our country.